Updated 09 Jul 2012

Degrees of Flooding at Eye Mead

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Degrees of flooding at Eye Mead, Dorset Stour.

The flat Dorset Stour floodplain is only viewable at Eye Mead, half a mile downstream from Bear Mead. Here are photos of different degrees of flooding, taken from the same viewpoint at Little Pamphill Green, OS ref: ST 995-002
Note: On the floodplain 850 metres South of the bridge lies Lake Farm Roman fortress. How did 4,500 soldiers deal with the flooding?

Degrees of Flooding. The Dorset Stour floodplain, pictures centred on Eye Mead, SY 995-995. Eye Bridge in left foreground.

0% flooding

2% flooding

5% flooding

10% flooding

20% flooding

30% flooding

40% flooding

50% flooding

60% flooding

70% flooding

80% flooding

95% flooding

100% flooding

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