Updated 05 Mar 2015

Retford Grammar School

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Retford Grammar School - Photos

If you have any more photos of the school, please email them to the webmaster on .

1904 1949 1935 1920? 1935 1938 2008 1950 1952
1953 1957 1969 1913 1913 1920?
1900? 1921 1920 1920 1920 1949 2012 2012 2012 1932 1953

From a postcard dated 1904. The school was moved to this site in 1857. Ivy League already and croquet on the lawn.

From an undated postcard, but the New Block was built in 1926. (same photo as one dated 1949)

The Cloisters from the Retfordian Summer 1935 page 21.
This view almost disappeared with the building of the Canteen and the Hall 1938-46.

The bell tower, entrance to the school for important people.
Another angle of the bell tower.

The Assembly Hall, built about 1938, with copy of Edward VI's picture on the left. (Thanks to David Dickinson for photo)

The New Block, built around 1926, taken in 2008 when disused.

1950. Staff cricket team.

1952. Form 1K (surnames K-Z). Form-master E.C.Charlton.

1953. Form 2A. Form-master still E.C.Charlton.

1957. 2nd year 6th form. Form-master L.R.Jones. John Palmer (webmaster) on Mr Jones' left.

1969. Senior masters on front row, junior on back row.

Taken 1913 at School Sports Day

About 1913 showing teachers

A rear view of the School courtyard- before the Hall and the canteen blocked the view.

About 1900, a game of cricket on the school playing field
before the building of fives court, bomb shelters, tennis courts and extra school buildings

King Edward VI Grammar School 1921. John Richard Hudson (born 1904) is there somewhere (at RGS 1915-1922).
Picture sent by his grandson Richard Hudson.

School Certificate 1920, John Richard Hudson, 1st Class Honours. Picture sent by his grandson Richard Hudson.

Taken 1919 or earlier. In 1919 there were 191 boys at RGS, of these 50 were boarders. Few pupils stayed beyond 16. These 19 boys are probably 6th formers and prefects. Front is the famous Rev.Tommy Gough, headmaster 1886-1919. Born 1854, he was near retirement. On his left is George Robert Davies (1875-1969), at RGS 1910-1921, Science master for many years and master in charge of sport. Richard Hudson , Gillingham, Dorset writes: I have found a photo of my maternal Great-Grandfather, he is the 5th from the right, with the wing collar and very defined central parting. He was George Robert Davies BSc (1875-1969), he was in Retford from approx.1910 until at least July 1921, a later date than I first stated, as I have found a School Cert for my Grandmother, who was at County High School, Retford dated 1921. He moved to Sheffield where he remained until his death in 1969 aged 94. I do not know the date of the Photo, perhaps someone will be able to help.

Taken April 1949. This "real photo" can be enlarged considerably. There are 9 bicycles in the staff and prefect's bicycle shed.

Posted 10 Apr 1932. Real Photo by H.G.Glen & Co Ltd, 94 St Mark's Road, Leeds.
To: Mrs Henson, c/o Hindshaw, 51 Baillis Causeway, Hamilton, Lanark, Scotland.
From: A. Andrew, 53 Aylestone Lane, Wigston Magna, Leicester.

Geo. R. Davies B.Sc (Lond)

Photo, Ethel Eadon.

George Robert Davies (1875-1969) was a science and maths master at RGS 1910-1921.

A History of King Edward VI Grammar School Retford
by A D Grounds, published 1970

Page 209:
One other who deserves personal mention was Mr G R Davies, for fourteen years science master at the school, a keen sportsman and master in charge of games throughout the difficult war period.

Page 210:
The willingness to sacrifice their leisure time to extra-curricular activities that characterised Kidson, Lambert and Davies was true also of the other members of staff, whose contributions cannot all be indivdually recorded.

Page 210:
There is no doubt that the high proportion of bachelors - for years Mr Davies was the only married man on the staff apart from the headmaster - made possible this splendid record of service.

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